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2018-06-25 14:19:54|  分类: 英语 徐婉瑞 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module 7 Australia教学设计

Unit 1 I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia!

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Language Knowledge

Key vocabulary: crocodile, shark, hand, have a look at, alongside, detail

Key structure: The attributive clause with that 

2. Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the Attributive Clause in listening. Improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Divide the class into several groups and each group has two, three or more students. One student acts as a travel agent, the other students want to travel. The agent will recommend some cities or countries to the others.

设计意图: 复习七八年级所学过的关于城市和国家的知识,自然的过渡到本单元的关于澳大利亚的重点对话。并且可以培养同学之间的合作与交流,提高会话能力。

Step 2 Presentation

Show students a picture of Sydney Opera House and tell them “Tony’s father has been to Australia. He visited Sydney Opera House.” Then get them to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions: 1. Where else did he visit? 2. What animals did he see?

设计意图: 因为是一篇较长的对话,所以让同学们带着问题去听,第一遍不要求逐字逐句听懂,但要能回答出简单的问题。

Step 3 Read and repeat

Get the class to read the dialogue. Then ask them to read in pairs.

Step 4 Complete the table

After the students are familiar to the dialogue, ask them to complete the table in Activity 4.

设计意图: 在这一步骤中,让学生从说转移到写上,并且让同学们在完成表格的同时更加熟悉课文。

Step 5 Answer questions

Get students to answer questions about the dialogue.

Step 6 Grammar

Show students several sentences involving The Attributive Clause in this unit. Ask them to think of the use of the word “that”.

设计意图: 在本单元只是呈现一下定语从句的概念,让同学们对此有一个印象,而不必强调如何去改写定语从句。在以后的两个单元的逐步练习中再让同学们慢慢地对此语法熟悉起来。

Step 7 Homework

1.    Read the words and the dialogue frequently. Try to recite part of the dialogue.

2.    Finish some exercises in workbook Module 7.

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